Hi, my name is


I build things that break software

A zealous security researcher, software developer and penetration tester. I enjoy building tools that perform automated security analysis of software. Ocassionally, I like experimenting with the newest JavaScript framework, ahem, web technologies.

About Me

I am a cybersecurity student at Saarland University with focus on web security and automated software testing. More specifically, I am interested in program analysis, fuzzing, vulnerability detection and exploitation.

Along with my studies, I am working as a research assistant at CISPA Helmholtz Center for Information Security. My current research is focused on developing tools for automated generation of highly-structured inputs.

Outside university and work, I enjoy learning new skills, experimenting with new languages and frameworks, as well as improving my penetration testing expertise.

Professional Experience

Research Assistant - CISPA Helmholtz Center for Information Security
Apr 2022 - present
I am currently working as a research assistant in the group of Andreas Zeller at CISPA. My research focuses on automated test generation for programs that consume highly-structured inputs. To this end, I am developing a fuzzer, which is able to satisfy not only syntactic, but also semantic constraints on complex inputs.
Test Automation and Security Engineer - Fast-Dine
Jun 2021 - Feb 2022

At Fast-Dine I was responsible for improving the security posture and development practices of the company. As part of the company, I introduced automated software testing and CI/CD practices as part of the development process. Furthermore, I developed an automated test suites for web and mobile applications. Other activities include but are not limited to:

  • Establishing a variety of DevOps practices, mainly related to software quality (security, test automation, static analysis) and version control.
  • Introducing security rules for the cloud.
  • Implementation of automated tests (Unit, Integration, E2E) with various test frameworks (Cypress, Appium).
  • Raising the security awareness.
Software Test Engineer - VIPFY
Jun 2019 - Apr 2021

During my time at VIPFY, I was taking on a variety of responsibilities, most of which related to software testing and QA. My main contribution is an autonomous testing software for Electron-based application. Other tasks include but are not limited to:

  • Engineering of automated software tests (Unit / Integration / E2E testing).
  • Security / Penetration Testing.
  • Implementation of testing tools and techniques, such as grammar-based fuzzing.
  • Identification of software problems with different test frameworks (Mocha, Jest, Spectron, Cypress, TestCafe).


2022 - present
Master of Science in Cybersecurity
Saarland University, Saarbrücken

The program prepares students for a career in the field of cybersecurity. The goal is to prepare graduates for further doctoral strudies, but also for positions in the industry. It provides a lot of flexibility when it comes to course selection. Several of the courses that I have completed so far are listed below:

  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Data Networks
  • Secure Web Development
2017 - 2021
Bachelor of Science in Cybersecurity
Saarland University, Saarbrücken

The program teaches the foundations of computer science and cybersecurity. It introduces fundamental theoretical concepts, which are complemented by a variety of practical assignments. Students are also able to further specialize and choose advanced courses from a wide selection of topics. This allowed me to focus on my areas of interest and to specialize in the following topics:

  • Automated Software Testing (Fuzzing)
  • Web Security
  • Mobile Security

My thesis “Transpiling Schema Languages to Grammars” explores the possiblity to generate grammars from schema specifications for JSON and XML. I developed tools that extract the syntactic constraints defined in such schemas and produce grammars, which can be used both parsing and producing of documents. In particular, my thesis demonstrates that the grammars produced by my transpilers can produce a wide variety of complex inputs when paired with a grammar-based fuzzer. The results also show that the coverage achieved by these inputs is significantly higher than other techiques such as random fuzzing.

2015 - 2016
Preparatory German Language Course
Saarland University, Saarbrücken
The German language course provides international students with the possibility to learn the required language skills, in order to be successful during their studies. As part of the course, I studied German intensively and went from complete beginner to intermediate speaker (CEFR level B2), which is the required level to study at university. Upon completion I was granted a certificate for language skills at level DSH-2.

Get in Touch

Whether you have a question, need a collaborator for a cool idea or just want to say hi, send me an email, I’ll try my best to get back to you!